


STRANGE is an explosive insight into the strange happenings in our society. It also uncovers those strange things and shed light on how they happen, why they happen and what the consequences of the happenings are.

Hafsah is a beautiful and bright young lady. She fell in love with Jamil so innocently and sweetly. She thought his world would be large enough to accommodate her but she was wrong.

Jamil is an extremely sweet soul. Generous, kind-hearted, loving but possessive.

He loves Hafsah as much as she loves him but something wasn’t just right. A stick appeared from his hand and poked Hafsah in the eyes but he was powerless.

Hafsah was falling from the cliff and Jamil was right beside her. He saw her but couldn’t spot her. She stretched her hand for help, he grabbed her but couldn’t hold her.  He could have saved her but he helplessly watched while she fell and drowned.

A strange cankerworm stood in the way of their love. What is that strange downer that cursed the two lovers? What exactly is strange in their lives?

Find out in this intriguing, highly educating and interesting story: STRANGE. You ain’t seen anything strange. Read this and get the full grasp of STRANGE.


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