
FORBIDDEN LOVE is the story of an age long bloody feud between the Bliss family and the Giwa family. Both families promised to hate each other till the end of time. An unimaginable fate brought the son and daughter of both families together. Will this love be possible? Find out in this very explosive story: FORBIDDEN LOVE.

Inside the ebook of FORBIDDEN LOVE is TRASH and TREASURE, the story of Ilyas and Iman. He wanted a virgin but fate gave him another package. Will he be able to accept his fate? Find out in TRASH AND TREASURE.


Available in only ebook is for ₦1000





FORBIDDEN LOVE is the story of an age long bloody feud between the Bliss family and the Giwa family. Both families promised to hate each other till the end of time. An unimaginable fate brought the son and daughter of both families together. Will this love be possible? Find out in this very explosive story: FORBIDDEN LOVE.

Inside the ebook of FORBIDDEN LOVE is TRASH and TREASURE, the story of Ilyas and Iman. He wanted a virgin but fate gave him another package. Will he be able to accept his fate? Find out in TRASH AND TREASURE.


Available in only ebook is for ₦1000




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